Admission to this program is not being offered at this time. Related programs in the field are offered by the Milken Institute School of Public Health.

Visit the Milken Institute School of Public Health website for additional information about academic programs and information about GWSPH. Graduate admissions information, including application requirements and deadlines, can be found on the GWSPH Graduate Admissions website.

The following requirements must be fulfilled: 33 credits, including 18 credits in statistics courses, 7 credits in public health courses, 6 credits in elective courses, 2 credits in consulting, and successful completion of a master's comprehensive examination.

Prerequisite courses
The courses listed below (or equivalents) are prerequisites for admission consideration and must appear on the student's transcript. Students may apply to the program only after they have fulfilled this requirement:
MATH 1231Single-Variable Calculus I
MATH 1232Single-Variable Calculus II
STAT 2118Regression Analysis

Applicants lacking the courses listed below (or equivalents) are considered for admission; however, if admitted, the student is required to complete these courses within two semesters of matriculation in the program. Credit earned in these courses does not count toward the 33 credits required for the degree and grades earned are not reflected in the overall grade-point average.

MATH 2184Linear Algebra I
MATH 2233Multivariable Calculus
One of the following:
PUBH 6853Use of Statistical Packages for Data Management and Data Analysis *
STAT 2183Intermediate Statistics Lab/Packages
Required for the degree
Statistics courses
PUBH 6266Biostatistical Methods
or PUBH 8877 Generalized Linear Models in Biostatistics
STAT 6201Mathematical Statistics I
STAT 6202Mathematical Statistics II
STAT 6210Data Analysis
STAT 6227Survival Analysis
STAT 6255Clinical Trials
or PUBH 6866 Principles of Clinical Trials
Public health courses
PUBH 6003Principles and Practices of Epidemiology
And two courses (2 credits) selected from the following:
PUBH 6262Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
PUBH 6263Advanced GIS
PUBH 6850Introduction to SAS for Public Health Research
PUBH 6851Introduction to R for Public Health Research
PUBH 6852Introduction to Python for Public Health Research
PUBH 6856Advanced SAS for Public Health Research
And 2 credits in any PUBH course(s) in the 6800 range.
6 credits in elective courses selected from the following:
PUBH 6854Applied Computing in Health Data Science
PUBH 6859High Performance and Cloud Computing
PUBH 6860Principles of Bioinformatics
PUBH 6861Public Health Genomics
PUBH 6862Applied Linear Regression Analysis for Public Health Research
PUBH 6863Applied Meta-Analysis
PUBH 6865Applied Categorical Data Analysis for Public Health Research
PUBH 6879Propensity Score Methods for Causal Inference in Observational Studies
PUBH 6884Bioinformatics Algorithms and Data Structures
PUBH 6886Statistical and Machine Learning for Public Health Research
PUBH 6887Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis for Public Health Research
STAT 3187Introduction to Sampling
STAT 4181Applied Time Series Analysis
STAT 4188Nonparametric Statistics Inference
STAT 6197Fundamentals of SAS Programming for Data Management
STAT 6214Applied Linear Models
STAT 6215Applied Multivariate Analysis I
STAT 6216Applied Multivariate Analysis II
STAT 6217Design of Experiments
STAT 6223Bayesian Statistics: Theory and Applications
STAT 6225Longitudinal Data Analysis
STAT 6231Categorical Data Analysis
STAT 6240Statistical Data Mining
STAT 6242Modern Regression Analysis
STAT 6252Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
STAT 6254Statistical Genetics
STAT 6287Sample Surveys
STAT 6289Topics in Statistics
STAT 8226Advanced Biostatistical Methods
STAT 8265Multivariate Analysis
STAT 8273Stochastic Processes I
STAT 8281Advanced Time Series Analysis
STAT 8288Topics in Sample Surveys
PUBH 6883Biostatistics Consulting Practicum
PUBH 6869Principles of Biostatistical Consulting
Master's comprehensive examination
Students must successfully complete a master's comprehensive examination, a written examination in the field of biostatistics based on the material covered in PUBH 6266 or PUBH 8877. The examination is administered by the faculty of the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics in the Milken Institute School of Public Health.